Tuesday, October 1, 2019
History to Hrm
Evolution of HRM †¢ History – MANAGEMENT – MAN MANAGEMENT †¢ Approaches †¢ Difference in Personnel Management and HR †¢ EXAMPLES OF MANAGEMENT PRACTICES TROUGHTOUT HISTORY †¢ Ancient †¢ Medieval †¢ Modern History Of HRM †¢ Industrial Revolution – Advantages and Disadvantages †¢ Trade Union Era – World War and Post World War †¢ Social Responsibility – Paternalistic Approach †¢ Scientific Management – F. W Taylor – Henry Fayol History Of HRM †¢ Industrial Psychology – Human Factor – Human Relations, Hawthorne Experiments †¢ Behavioral Sciences – Motivation – Satisfaction Modern Management – Management By Objectives – Organization Development It all began with, role of personnel manager being: †¢ Clerk – Managing Dues †¢ Record Keeper – Managing Time Keeping †¢ Channel of Communication between Employees + Management, Recruitment & Selection †¢ Industrial Relations – Union †¢ Labour Laws– Eg. Min. Wages, PF, ESIC Laws– †¢ Welfare Officer – Recreation †¢ Training & Development Phases of Human Resource Management AND TODAY †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Organization Development Strategic Partner Human Capital ManagementIt is a Profession Rising Prominence of the Human Resource Management: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Emphasis on quality Impact of technology Liberalization of Indian economy Privatization of Indian economy Globalization Rising Prominence of the Human Resource Management: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Changes in political philosophy Trade unionism Cutthroat competition International problems – Diversified workforce – Knowledge workers – Information Technology Approaches towards Human Beings: †¢ Mechanical approach – commodity approach or factor of production concept – up to 1920. Paternalistic Approach – from 1920 till great depressions – died during the Great Depressions of 1930s. Approaches towards Human Beings: †¢ Social System or Humanistic Approach: 1930-40 Psychologists – Mayo, Mc 40 Gregor etc. Sociologists – Blake etc. †¢ Human Resource Approach – 1940 onwards – (distinct needs, aspirations and personality) – MBO, two way communication, leadership, quality circles etc. Evolution of HRM in India 1920s – 30s Pragmatism of capitalists 1940s – 50s Technical, legalistic 1970s – 80s Professional, legalistic, impersonal 1990s PhilosophicalDIFFERENCE BETWEEN HRM/ HRD/ PRESONNEL †¢ LETS DISCUSS †¢ HRM AND PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT ARE THE SAME †¢ Some experts assert that there is no difference between human resources and personnel management They state that management. the two terms can be used interchangeably, with no difference in meaning. In fact, the terms a re often used interchangeably in help-wanted ads and job descriptions descriptions. †¢ When looking for a job in personnel management or human resources, it is important to realize that many companies use the terms interchangeably If you are offered interchangeably. job as a personnel manager, you may be required to perform the same duties as a human resource manager, and vice versa. In some companies, a distinction is made, but the difference is very subtle. Personnel vs. Human Resource Management †¢ Human †¢ Personnel Resource Management Management †¢ Personnel means †¢ persons employed. PM is the management of people employed. HRM is the management of employees’ skills, knowledge, abilities, talents, aptitudes, creative abilities etc. Employee is treated not †¢ Employee is treated as only as economic man an economic man as his but also as social and services are exchanged psychological man. Thus for wage/salary the complete man is viewed. â₠¬ ¢ Employees are used †¢ Employees are used for the multiple mutual mostly for organizational benefit of the benefits. organization, employees and their family members. †¢ Personnel function is †¢ HRM is a strategic treated as only an management function. auxiliary. †¢ Employee is viewed as a †¢ Employee is treated as commodity or tool or a resource. quipment, which can be purchased or used. †¢ Employees are treated †¢ Employees are treated as a profit centre and as cost centre and therefore, invests capital therefore management for human resource controls the cost of development and future labour. utility. †¢ Employees are used †¢ Employees are used for mostly for organizational the multiple mutual benefits. benefit of the organization, employees and their family members. †¢ Personnel Management is more of administrative functions. †¢ Personnel function are said to be reactive †¢ Personnel function is treated as only an a uxiliary. HR, is responsible for managing a workforce as one of the primary resources that contributes to the success of an organization. †¢ HRM is a proactive function. †¢ HRM is a strategic management function. Relationship Between HRM and HRD †¢ Human resource management (HRM) encompasses many functions †¢ Human resource development (HRD) is one of the functions within HRM †¢ Personnel management Precedes the history Talent Management †¢ A dynamic, ongoing process of systematically †¢ identifying, assessing, and developing talent for †¢ future critical roles to ensure continuity and †¢ effective organizational performance. Note that some people distinguish a difference between between HRM (a major management activity)and HRD(Human Resource Development). Those people might include HRM in HRD, explaining that HRD includes the broader range of activities to develop personnel inside of organizations, including, e. g. , career development, training, organization development, etc. ? There is a long-standing argument about where HR standing HR-related functions should be organized into large organizations, eg, â€Å"should HR be in the Organization Development department or the other way around? ? The HRM function and HRD profession have undergone tremendous change over the past 20-30 years. Many years ago, large 30 organizations looked to the â€Å"Personnel Department,†mostly to manage the paperwork around hiring and paying people. More recently, organizations consider the â€Å"HR Department†as playing a major role in staffing, training and helping to manage people so that people and the organization are performing at maximum capability in a highly fulfilling manner. Jobs & Careers in HRM †¢ HR Specialist †¢ HR Manager †¢ HR Executive
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